94 %
of participants completed the whole training module
81 %
of users appreciate Memory Anchoring®
84 %
of correct answers at the final assessment test
“With their Memory Anchoring® engine Woonoz was the only solution that covered all of our requirements.”

Gilles le Glatin
Director of Competence Development
Company: Manpower
Sector: human resources
Number of employees: 3,600 employees in France
Client’s requirements: harmonize our teams’ legal knowledge
Training plan content: social rights
Type of training: anchoring of knowledge
What were your requirements?
Our industry is subject to many legal requirements including job legislation that is essential in our sector. In order to ensure that all our employees at our branches have the same knowledge base in this respect we wanted to implement a new training method. The idea was also to use this base for another project that is important to us, the development of a real service culture at BMS. Indeed, we wanted to improve the quality of customer relations within the company but we were also aware that this meant that our employees needed to master the fundamentals of the legal requirements. The challenge was to find a training solution that could guarantee the teams would be fully up to date on all relevant legislation aspects without having to dedicate one or several days to classroom training.
We were looking for a training solution that could guarantee the teams would be fully up to date on all relevant legislation aspects.
What training plan did you implement?
As it was not possible to bring all our teams together in one place, we opted for a training method based 100 % on e-learning. With this kind of project, it’s important to have everyone on board. We worked with the Executive Committee to determine when the training programme should be rolled out. The managers were also involved well ahead of the launch of the Memory Anchoring® module launch to ensure they had time to become familiar with the method and could promote it to their teams. In practice, they were in charge of enrolling the employees for the programme. This worked quite well: 70 % of the staff was registered for the training. In addition, to facilitate roll out for the programme we communicated a lot internally. We started by renaming it, it’s no longer called Woonoz or even e-learning but Training Expert, we also created a specific logo for the programme to give it an identity of its own.
With this kind of project, it’s important to have everyone on board, the Executive Committee, the managers and the teams.
Why did you turn to Woonoz?
Beyond the motivation to deliver training fully via e-learning, we wanted a new programme that could guarantee that the participants would effectively memorise all the key points. In this respect we needed a solution that placed the teams in real-life situations with questions such as: ‘A client tells you this, how do you react?’ We also wanted to have an assessment of the participants’ pre and post training levels to measure their progress, with a certificate delivered at the end to add a touch of challenge. More importantly we were looking to do something completely different. Woonoz and their Memory Anchoring Engine® turned out to be the only solution that could satisfy all of our requirements. As we expected, Woonoz fully delivered on their promise.
Woonoz and their Memory Anchoring Engine® turned out to be the only solution that could satisfy all of our requirements.
What about the results?
We followed Woonoz methodology and tested our teams on two occasions, before launching the programme and at the end upon completion. We had 57 % of correct answers at the initial test and reached 84 % for the final assessment. We also looked at the participation rate that seemed to be a good indicator to measure uptake for the method: 94 % of participants followed the programme through to the end. Moreover, 60 % of participants received a certification. Finally, we sent out a satisfaction survey that showed that 81 % of learners were convinced by the Memory Anchoring® solution. Beyond the figures, it seems that it is the fun approach of the solution that won a lot of votes, despite the rather drab nature of the content. Our employees loved this approach; they all agree that implementing Woonoz methodology for our training plan was a great idea and that it should be used for other subjects in the future.
Our employees loved the approach and they all agree that implementing Woonoz methodology for our training plan was a great idea.
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