Definition of Memory Anchoring®
Training staff is a strategic lever for businesses to enhance their competitiveness. No doubt you are well aware of this and need to invest significantly in this respect. What you might not know however, is that 80 % of the key points of a training programme are forgotten within 7 days. In order to remedy this issue, Woonoz has turned to cognitive science and has developed an intelligent e-learning solution. Thanks to a sequence of situational exercises adapted to each participant it enables to maximise the ratio of information that is retained and reinforce the impact of the training programme.

Memory Anchoring®, an efficient and cost-effective training solution
Memory Anchoring®
& neurosciences

Memory Anchoring®
& Adaptive Learning
for a durable memorisation of key points with a minimum of effort.
Memory Anchoring®
& Artificial Intelligence

Memory Anchoring®
& French Tech
The French ministry for Economy, Industry and Digital is convinced that successful French start-ups should be encouraged in order to create economic value. As part of ‘French Tech’ – a Public Initiative – it has decided to act in favour of their growth and promotion on the international scene. Woonoz is a Technologically Innovative Company and has operated in this ecosystem ever since its creation in 2013. It has recently been awarded the ‘Pass French Tech’ label that rewards around one hundred booming companies considered to be among the gems of the ‘French Tech’. Boasting a profitable growth in excess of 50 % per year over the past 3 years, Woonoz now enjoys official recognition from the French state, which, in additional to attesting to its excellence, enables the company to benefit from specific support. Woonoz now stands as a leader in the digital training industry.
Why Memory Anchoring®?
Memory Anchoring® delivers outstanding results
Woonoz revolutionary Memory Anchoring® technology makes it possible to assimilate four times more information than any other method. Typically, trainees only retain approximately 20 % of the content of a training course, whether it is delivered face to face or through e-learning. Woonoz radically changes this outcome while at the same time ensuring that 10 times more participants achieve excellence. According to a survey conducted with our clients, before benefiting from training sessions based on Memory Anchoring® only 6% of employees achieved 75% or more of correct answers at the final assessment test. After completing the modules proposed by Woonoz, the average rate of participants who achieved excellence soared to 93%! Memory Anchoring® guarantees fast and long-lasting memorisation, regardless of the participants’ initial level.